September 01, 2007


Your life is completely focused on a certain relationship with a significant other or maybe with your own higher self right now. Tuesday’s total lunar eclipse occurs in your sign, so expect a fundamental inner shift that will alter your perspective on this most important relationship of yours in due course. It’s important to realize this modification is coming, so that you won’t have to spend a lot of time figuring out what it all means. By the end of the week Saturn will take up long-term residence in your 7th house of partnerships, and you’ll need to know where you begin and end if you’re going to be able to hold your own in this one on one connection that has so completely redefined your life experience in the past few years. ’Know thyself’ is the lesson of Saturn in the 7th offers.

投稿者 chaco : September 1, 2007 03:59 AM
