October 12, 2011

『季節の瓦葺きと瓦職人のごろごろ煮 八寸の瓦ッ釘を添えて』

「出張先のシチリアにて初老の夫婦が営むトラットリアカルボナーラを頼むが、出されたそれの玉子はパスタに馴染まずカタマリ状にて絵的に完全なる失敗作に見え、それでもまァ地元だし本場だしと口にしてみると、何をどうしたらこうなるのかと思えるほどに見事に炒飯の味しか認められず、遠い異国に地にて極東に思いをはせる」 (3点)


投稿者 yoshimori : October 12, 2011 11:59 PM

This it is a great piece of information. But first of all I must say all every one. Bounjour. And now I must say that I m going to post http://www.rockasho.com/ym/archives/006536.html on my Facebook profile. And this because finally I found what I was looking for. What you share here is really good information. When I saw this tittle, 義盛記: 『季節の瓦葺きと瓦職人のごろごろ煮 八寸の瓦ッ釘を添えて』, on google search I was very happy. Maybe I found something that have the same ideea here http://www.toplevel-traduceri.ro, I'm not sure but I thing it was the same. Thank you

Posted by: traduceri : November 1, 2011 05:44 AM
